UK - Home Office
roomDirect Communications Unit, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF, United Kingdom
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Resettlement Programmes

IATI Identifier: GB-GOV-6-06
Published in IATI IATI
  • date_range Apr 01, 2016 - Mar 31, 2021
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

The Syrian Vulnerable Peoples Scheme (SVPRS) and Vulnerable Childrens Resettlement Scheme (VCRS) are programmes designed to support the Government's aim to resettle vulnerable refugees from the Syrian conflict. The commitment to resettle 20,000 refugees from Syria by 2020 was made by the Government in September 2015. Funding enables authorities to provide refugees who have fled conflict and persecution with a safe environment and the chance to rebuild their lives. The funding pays for food, shelter and training for up to 12 months. By the end of September 2019, over 18,000 refugees had found safety in the UK to rebuild their lives as part of the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme. The Home Office is on-track to deliver the full VPRS commitment by the end of 2020.

  • Refugees in donor countries (non-sector allocable) error
    Sector code:
    93010 - Refugees in donor countries (non-sector allocable)
    Sector vocabulary:
    1 - OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (5 digit)

Participating Organisations

Organisation Name Organisation Type Organisation Role
UK - Home Office Government Accountable
Home Office Government Funding
International Organization for Migration (IOM) Multilateral Implementing
Home Office Government Implementing


Transaction Value Provider Receiver Type Date
18,710,000 GBP (Valued at Oct 01, 2019) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeOct 01, 2019
20,370,000 GBP (Valued at Jul 01, 2019) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeJul 01, 2019
20,110,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2019) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeApr 01, 2019
20,110,000 GBP (Valued at Jan 01, 2019) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeJan 01, 2019
19,860,000 GBP (Valued at Oct 01, 2018) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeOct 01, 2018
19,530,000 GBP (Valued at Jul 01, 2018) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeJul 01, 2018
19,590,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2018) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Expenditure date_rangeApr 01, 2018
372,100,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2016) circle UK - Home Office circle Receiver N/A Commitment date_rangeApr 01, 2016


234,525,000 USD
22,125,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2016) date_range Apr 01, 2016 - Jun 30, 2016
21,900,000 GBP (Valued at Jan 01, 2020) date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Mar 31, 2020
22,125,000 GBP (Valued at Oct 01, 2016) date_range Oct 01, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
22,125,000 GBP (Valued at Jan 01, 2017) date_range Jan 01, 2017 - Mar 31, 2017
24,125,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2017) date_range Apr 01, 2017 - Jun 30, 2017
24,125,000 GBP (Valued at Jul 01, 2017) date_range Jul 01, 2017 - Sep 30, 2017
24,125,000 GBP (Valued at Oct 01, 2017) date_range Oct 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
24,125,000 GBP (Valued at Jan 01, 2018) date_range Jan 01, 2018 - Mar 31, 2018
24,875,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2018) date_range Apr 01, 2018 - Jun 30, 2018
24,875,000 GBP (Valued at Jul 01, 2018) date_range Jul 01, 2018 - Sep 30, 2018
access_timeUpdated on Jun 25, 2020 13:37:48
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