Project Waylay

IATI Identifier: GB-GOV-7--7-P00052-IWT005
Published in IATI IATI
  • date_range Apr 01, 2014 - Jul 31, 2016
  • autorenew Closed (Status)

This project aims to increase cooperation between national and international authorities and resulting seizures and prosecutions will contribute to the suppression of the illegal trade of elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn.

  • Legal and judicial development error
    Sector code:
    15130 - Legal and judicial development
    Sector vocabulary:
    1 - OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (5 digit)

Participating Organisations

Organisation Name Organisation Type Organisation Role
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Government Accountable
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Government Funding
Interpol Other Public Sector Implementing


Transaction Value Provider Receiver Type Date


186,098 USD
50,214 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2014) date_range Apr 01, 2014 - Mar 31, 2015
101,963 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2015) date_range Apr 01, 2015 - Mar 31, 2016
33,921 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2016) date_range Apr 01, 2016 - Mar 31, 2017
access_timeUpdated on Sep 26, 2019 14:46:33
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