Biodiverse Landscapes Fund

IATI Identifier: GB-GOV-7-BLF
Published in IATI IATI
  • date_range Apr 01, 2021 - Mar 31, 2030
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

The UK’s Biodiverse Landscapes Fund (BLF) aims to reduce poverty, protect and restore biodiversity and lessen the impact of climate change in six environmentally critical landscapes across the globe. These are: - The Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area, covering areas of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. - Mesoamerica, covering areas of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. - Western Congo Basin, covering areas of Cameroon, Gabon and Republic of Congo. - Andes Amazon, covering areas of Ecuador and Peru. - Lower Mekong, covering areas of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. - Madagascar. The BLF has 3 core aims: - people: to develop economic opportunities through investment in nature in support of climate adaptation and resilience and poverty reduction. - nature: to slow, halt or reverse biodiversity loss in globally significant regions for biodiversity. - climate: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard natural carbon sinks. It will meet these aims by: - reducing poverty and creating sustainable economic development for communities living in, and dependent upon, environmentally precious landscapes. - protecting and restoring ecosystems and biologically diverse landscapes helping to mitigate climate change by preserving carbon sinks and ecosystems. - addressing the causes of environmental degradation. - supporting national and local governments, park authorities and communities to achieve long-term sustainable management and use of natural resources Funding will be distributed across the landscapes according to demands and needs.

  • Multisector aid error
    Sector code:
    43010 - Multisector aid
    Sector vocabulary:
    1 - OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (5 digit)

Participating Organisations

Organisation Name Organisation Type Organisation Role
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Government Accountable
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Government Funding
Zoological Society of London International NGO Implementing
Fauna and Flora International International NGO Implementing
Practical Action International NGO Implementing
Wildlife Conservation Society International NGO Implementing
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Private Sector Implementing
Oxford Policy Management Ltd Private Sector Implementing


Transaction Value Provider Receiver Type Date


100,000,000 USD
100,000,000 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2021) date_range Apr 01, 2021 - Mar 31, 2030
access_timeUpdated on Mar 21, 2024 15:17:35
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