Darwin Plus Local R1

IATI Identifier: GB-GOV-7-D+Local-R1
Published in IATI IATI
  • date_range Apr 01, 2023 - Mar 31, 2024
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

Darwin Plus Local is a scheme within the existing UK government’s Darwin Plus fund, which funds projects to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs). Darwin Plus Local has been introduced to support small scale environmental projects exclusively in the UKOTs, with the aim of building capacity in-territory and contributing to local economies. Darwin Plus Local will provide grants of up to £50,000 for organisations, and £20,000 for individuals.

  • Bio-diversity error
    Sector code:
    41030 - Bio-diversity
    Sector vocabulary:
    1 - OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (5 digit)

Participating Organisations

Organisation Name Organisation Type Organisation Role
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Government Accountable
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Government Funding
St Helena Research Institute National NGO Implementing
Island Solutions Inc. National NGO Implementing
Montserrat National Trust National NGO Implementing
St Helena National Trust National NGO Implementing
Department of Environment, Montserrat Local Government Implementing
Department of Agriculture, Montserrat Local Government Implementing


Transaction Value Provider Receiver Type Date


395,570 USD
395,570 GBP (Valued at Apr 01, 2023) date_range Apr 01, 2023 - Mar 31, 2024
access_timeUpdated on Mar 22, 2024 16:44:33
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